Jan 25, 2021 | Company News
This case was heard at the first court of instance, Fuengirola, Southern Spain. At the hearing, it was revealed that the contract did not meet the minimum Spanish law requirements regarding the accommodation and period of validity. For these reasons, the judge deemed...
Nov 3, 2020 | Company News
One case was heard at the first court of instance and it was revealed that the contract did not comply with the Spanish law 4/2012. The contract did not reveal the minimum accommodation requirements such as what the client had purchased and when they could use it....
Sep 28, 2020 | Company News
In the hearing at the first court of instance, it was revealed that another contract was illegal agsinst the Spanish law 4/2012. in this case the clients had more than one contract and all contracts were deemed null and void. client was awarded in full $33,965 along...
Jul 20, 2020 | Company News
At the initial hearing at the first court of instance in Tenerife, Canary Islands, it was discovered that the clients contract did not reveal the minimum accommodation requirements under Spanish law 4/2012. The judge ruled that the contract be deemed null and void....
Jun 16, 2020 | Company News
In the High Court of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, the legal team recently secured $48,052 in monies awarded for one of our clients. Diamond attempted to appeal our previous victory however the court supported the decision that the contract was null. As...