Mar 7, 2022 | Anfi Group, Blog, CLC World, Diamond Resorts, European Consumer Claims, Marriott
M1 Legal scoring victory after victory in the Spanish courts. Is this the end for timeshare malpractice in Europe? Lawless industry Spain has been the hub of European timeshare sales for decades. Holidaymakers, largely from Britain were targeted...
Dec 21, 2021 | Blog, European Consumer Claims
Worldwide changes From ‘2 weeks to flatten the curve’ in early 2020, the pandemic has seemingly settled in as a permanent, insidious feature of our universe As we approach 2022, COVID affects every part of our lives. Remote communication and maintaining...
Oct 13, 2021 | Anfi Group, Blog, Timeshare Resorts
What does this mean for members? The Commercial Court number 1 in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, agreed this week to declare a compulsory bankruptcy for Anfi Sales SL and Anfi Resorts. Should an appeal be made against this judgement before the Provincial Court, we...
Jun 29, 2020 | Anfi Group, Blog, European Consumer Claims
It has come to our attention, that Anfi Sales SL are contacting all Anfi Members with regards to signing a new agreement with a Fiduciary Company called Continental Trustee Ltd. This is to guarantee a strict control of property inventory although there is no...