Oct 20, 2020 | Blog, Newsletters
We are writing to you in a response to the email from Club La Costa World Chairman Roy Peires dated 14th October which reveals negative statements about ECC and M1 Legal. We would like to explain that Club La Costa World send generated emails to their members...
Sep 3, 2020 | Blog, Newsletters
Maintenance Fees As a timeshare owner you are obviously aware of your contractual liability to pay annual maintenance fees. It has always surprised us that most resorts send out the annual bill just before Christmas. We are sure that you would agree that no bill just...
Aug 28, 2020 | Blog, Newsletters
Your Rights Tens of millions of pounds in timeshare compensation awards are currently being processed in the courts of Spain – the average claim being around £20-£25k. As a result of this and the huge influx of new claims being processed, Timeshare...